Lesson Plan: Analyzing Theatrical Elements in Philippine Plays


DAILY LESSON LOG in ARTS 10 (4th Quarter)

Table of Content (toc)

I. Objectives:

LC: The learners will be able to analyze examples of plays based on theatrical forms and elements of art as applied to performance. A10EL-IVa-2

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

  • Identify the different elements of arts applied in various plays.
  • Analyze the mood, idea, or message conveyed in a play through the theatrical elements.
  • Recognize the importance of proper use of different elements of arts in expressing oneself.

II. Content: Philippine Theater Groups

III. Learning Resources:

IV. Procedures:

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson:

  • Ask the students to identify the mood, idea, or message conveyed in the following plays: (provide examples of Philippine plays that they previously learned in class).
  • Ask the students to list down the different elements of arts that they know.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson:

  • Explain that in this lesson, they will learn how theatrical elements (sound, music, gesture, movement, and costume) affect the creation and communication of meaning in a theater play/performance.

C. Presenting illustrative examples/instances of the lesson:

  • Show a video clip of a stage performance that exemplifies the use of theatrical elements in Philippine theater.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1:

  • Divide the class into groups and distribute different video clips of stage performances.
  • In their groups, students should identify the different elements of arts applied in the performance.
  • Provide rubrics to guide them in their analysis.

E. Discussing new concepts and new skills #2:

  • Ask each group to present their analysis of the assigned performance to the class.
  • Discuss the mood, idea, or message conveyed in the performance through the theatrical elements.

F. Developing mastery (guides formative assessment):

  • Ask the students to determine the relationship of the elements applied in the outcome of the entire performance.
  • Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson:

  • Ask the students to identify the different elements of arts present in a stage play or original performance that makes it an artwork.

H. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living:

  • Explain the importance of the proper use of different elements of arts in expressing oneself.

I. Evaluation of Learning:

  • Refer to the output of the group analysis.
  • Assess their understanding of the different elements of arts and their ability to apply it in analyzing a stage performance.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation:

  • Ask the students to create their own short skit and apply the different theatrical elements they learned in class.
  • Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

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